Tuesday, June 10, 2014


*written for my beautiful Seattle community & all those affected by the recent SPU tragedy. Also written for the metaphorical cities we live in, the ones where we've experienced loss and forgotten how to be children.


Our city sleeps,
but I awake to the remembering
of a rhythm
my feet still know.

They lead me, stumbling out
into the grey light.
The cars and rooftops sleep
in a dusty glow.

It is easy now, sinking back
into my child feet, these feet
that skipped around broken glass
bottles like they were a sprinkling
of treasure, the music of pirates.

I follow my child feet back
through the alleys lit
with flower baskets,
to the corner where we sucked chocolate
off our fingers in the sizzling heat,
to the hill where our kites rose
before their tails snagged
on tree branches.

Those kite tails,
where we tied our prayers and poems,
watching them flutter like wind chimes,
a sailboat parade
rising into the bluest sea.

But our city has forgotten
the nonsense of kites.
And my shadow feet remember now
the roar of new flags in our streets,
like the growling of pirates,
who never sprinkle treasure
or believe in nonsensical things.

But their flags stoop over now
like old men,
their promises but a chasing
of wind.

It is best now, to sleep.

So I sit below the hill,
sifting dirt between my hands.

Your footsteps come so softly,
I don’t turn until you bend beside me.
You sift the dirt in slow rhythm.
I sneak glances at you.
You still look as young as you used to,
sucking chocolate off your fingers
and tying kite strings.

And then you bend to smooth the soil.
Slowly, firmly, together,
we plant one tiny mustard seed.

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