We escaped to sea
as twenty-somethings with
the city still buzzing in our bones.
We rushed away with our breath
still trailing like smoke from trucks,
our eyes like the crowded blushing
of sidewalk gardens, our ears deaf
to the thunder of the stars.
We watched the sea
as twenty-somethings
bathing in the luxury of a clean,
leather chair and a mouth stained
with coffee.
We watched the waves rise and pull,
rise and pull,
with softening faces
that could still forget
sighing paychecks, bruised shoes,
and sleepless nights.
Faces that remembered the ache
to run barefoot on a steaming
summer day, fearless of splinters.
Oh, to fall
fast, hard, fully
in wild summer sweat
into cold, hazy, blue --
pulling and kicking our tired bodies
through heavy water
that smells of stars.
Oh, to swim, then,
with backs as strong as boardwalks,
and eyes as free as sailboats.
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